






Ordering Information

Click here to order Articles


The Wonderful World Within You (1998)
Twentieth anniversary, updated edition with new Introduction by Donald R. Davis, new nutrient diagrams, and free software offer.
Bio-Communications Press, Wichita, Kansas, softcover $12.95.
Call 1-800-447-7276 or 1-316-682-3100 (Visa, MC, Am. Express, Discover cards).
Postage $3 for one copy. Add $1 each for two to five copies; over five copies, free postage.
An excellent gift for those wanting to learn about nutrition and individual differences. Quantity discounts available.

Biochemical Individuality (1998)
New printing of the 1956 classic, with a new Introduction by Jeffrey Bland, new Afterword by Donald R. Davis, 1988 In Memoriam by Donald R. Davis, and expanded index.
Keats Publishing, softcover $19.95 at bookstores, or by mail from the publisher. Call 1-800-858-7014 or 1-203-966-8721.
Also available from Amazon.com online bookstore.
Shipping $4.75 for one copy, $8 for multiple copies. Quantity discounts available.

Nutrition Against Disease: Environmental Prevention (1971)
Reprint with a new Introduction is under consideration by Keats Publishing. Please help us encourage this consideration by indicating your interest to d.r.davis@mail.utexas.edu.
See below for limited special copies available.

Special Book Copies Available

The following five books are out of print, but mostly rare copies of original editions (in new condition) are available to those who donate to the nutrition research of Prof. William Shive, a colleague of Williams. Please make your check to The University of Texas, and send it with your mailing address to:

Donald R. Davis, Biochemical Institute A5100,
The University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712-0163

Nutrition Against Disease
1973 (pocketbook), Bantam Books
Requested donation for U.S. residents, $40 (postage paid)

Nutrition in a Nutshell
1962 (hardcover), Doubleday; 1962 (pocketbook), Dolphin Books
Requested donation for U.S. residents, $50 for hardcover, $40 for pocketbook (postage paid)

The Prevention of Alcoholism Through Nutrition
1981 (pocketbook), Bantam Books
Williams's 3rd and last book on this subject. Requested donation for U.S. residents: $15; add $10 each for additional copies shipped simultaneously (postage paid)

Alcoholism: The Nutritional Approach
1959 (softcover), Univ. of Texas Press
Williams's 2nd book on this subject. Requested donation for U.S. residents, $50 (postage paid)

The Human Frontier
1946 (hardcover), Harcourt Brace
Requested donation for U.S. residents, $40 (postage paid)



An original reprint or photocopy of one or a few articles (except those  marked "missing") is available without charge to those who send the following information to d.r.davis@mail.utexas.edu:

Name, address, article number and short title of article.

For multiple articles, please inquire at the above e-mail address.

Last updated: May 13, 2003






