Forward for Special Pre-Publication Edition
for the Medical Profession
FOREWORD by R. Brinkley Smithers ix
Part I Steps to Prevent Alcoholism Most Effectively
PREAMBLE: What the Important Message Is 3
1. Treat Yourself As the Unique Individual You Really Are 4
2. Eat High Quality Foods 16
3. Avoid Low Quality Foods 19
4. Exercise to Promote Internal Nutrition 22
5. Cultivate Moderation--and Inner Peace 25
6. Use Nutritional Supplements 31
7. Use Glutamine as a Supplementary Food 37
8. Summation of Preventive Measures 43
Part II Prevention the Only Sensible Course
9. Why and When Employ Prevention? 47
10. How Much Would Prevention of Alcoholism Be Worth? 50
Part III Alcoholism an "Alien Disease"
11. How I Became Interested in the Alcoholism Problem 57
12. A Note for Those Concerned With Confirmed Alcoholics 60
13. Why Does the Medical Profession Look
Upon Alcoholism as an "Alien Disease"? 63
14. Alcoholism Is an Insidious, Creeping
Disease, Extremely Difficult to Diagnose 65
15. Alcoholism Is a Metabolic Disease 67
16. The Conspicuous Lack of Comprehensive
Disease-Oriented Research Institutions 70
17. Human (and Medical) Resistance to New Ideas 74
18. Medical Emphasis on Cure and Treatment
Rather Than Prevention 78
19. Tunnel Vision and Extreme Specialization 80
20. Failure to Recognize Inborn Individuality
as a Crucial Factor 84
21. Exclusion From Medical Thinking of the Concept of
Quality Control of Nutritional Cellular Environments 102
22. The Universal Role of Cellular Environments
in Making Life and Health Possible 108
APPENDIX I Nutritional Supplements 113
APPENDIX II Biochemical Research on Alcoholism--A Critique 119
APPENDIX III Bibliographies for This Book 143
Index 157